New album incoming…

We’re over the moon to announce that we will shortly be heading into a recording studio, to record our BRAND NEW album. It will mark the culmination of what will be, by this point, a long number of years of effort. The original plan was to record this very album in 2019! The studio time was booked and utilised with a load of good material making the cut. We mixed, then re-recorded some alterations, then a new song or two (with an originally recorded one or two making way), then added a few new elements, then re-booked studio time; it was a case of wanting things too perfect, then by the time we got the tracks to where we wanted, a new idea popped up so we would go back a few steps and continue again from there, but eventually we thought we had it!

AND THEN…. the whole world came to an immediate stop! For 2 and a bit years our whole world was put on hold. We couldn’t play, we couldn’t tour and we couldn’t do anything that related remotely to our job. This, in turn, led to our motivation and happiness with the album waining and ultimately resulted in us deciding to shelve the recordings.

So…. After a few years of recording, mixing, changing our mind, altering things, a global pandemic, deciding to completely scrap everything, we’re NOW HERE! In the next week, we’ll be heading into a studio to record a completely new album. We’ll be recording “the way it should be”, all live, with only the master take of the vocals being added singularly (for better quality). The album will include a number of songs that we love playing live, a few favourites that we don’t usually play live and a couple of brand new, self-penned tracks; something for everyone.

We’ll keep you updated on how it all goes…..